About Me

22, B Medical Science/B Arts in International (Japan) 2012: My year @Kansai Gaidai. This is just a place for me to personally record my everyday happenings =)

Saturday, 19 January 2008

# 17 - Finally at Singapore!

So i've reached singapore. And using up their free internet as best as i can before i need to leave again for another 4hr flight. I HATE hopping from plane to plane...I get this really dizzying feeling. Well anyways, so far i haven't died yet which is a nice sign :)

I watched 3 foreign movies
1. Closed Note (which was rather good)[japanese]
2. Secret (which sucked ass)[Hong Kong/Manderin]
3. A Long Night In Shangai (this movie was so cute and awesome) [Manderin/Japanese]

Singapore Airlines really has a good selection. They even had some johnny's playing xD I think there is something VERY wrong with the air in the airoplane. Like you know how it curculates and it's super cold! gosh...i couldn't stop sneezing! I spent the most time breathing into my blanket.

Hopefully i'm going to survive the next flight =/ We were flying for 1.5hrs extra this time around because of the weather, which caused us not to be able to land. It was nasty turbulence Dx I LOATHE FLYING!!

And it sucks ass that i can't actually GET OUT into Singapore =( I love it in all it's scarily fake manmade asthetics! *tear*...and just a Johnny's store WITHIN REACH Dx

Please keep me up to date with what's been happening with everyone :D
Talk to you all soon!

1 comment:

net_chik said...

noka desu~

uwah you got to singapore already, nice. yeah im quite frightened by airplane flights and turbulance is absolutely horrific experience. How was the landing? LOL glad you didn't "die"...DON'T SAY THAT SILLY FROSTY!

anyway, get me a souvenir! but not from singapore, those ppl disgust me. are you taking photos??