About Me

22, B Medical Science/B Arts in International (Japan) 2012: My year @Kansai Gaidai. This is just a place for me to personally record my everyday happenings =)

Thursday, 3 April 2008

# 26 - Procrastination is a stubborn habit.

So i'm sitting here with about 3hours left in my 6hr break. I think i shall go upstairs as soon as i finish blogging for a bit of a snooze or maybe some study. Whichever comes first ;)

My last couple of weeks have been pretty bland. Nothing has happened and the stress of university is mounting even more!! I really want to see people :( Blah university friends are boring me as of late...haha i've been here for too long already :P

I've had the WORST luck this week and i dont know why! its so strange.
Sunday i had a really bad fall pulling on my pajama pants..YES I WAS PUTTING ON MY PANTS AND I STACKED IT REALLY BADLY!! ><"...i never do that and atleast that was barely anything really. On tuesday i go to university to loose both my phone and my textbook (n i think my sunnies...still not sure but atleast i got a plush pig toy named pikamishi out of it xD) Wednesday i went back and got both my phone and my textbook back...today i got up to get off at central and my plastic bag with EVERYTHING inside it ripped so dramatically...it was rather embarressing and i had to stumble out barely making it out on time....then i sat in lecture and i heard the back of my sole half come off my shoe -.-' grrr...so now i'm walking around with a broken shoe + my back breaking from holding everything in my arms and shoulder.

i see a pattern in all the random n small shitty things that keep happening to me every second day...i'm ready for it.

damn you karma!!

1 comment:

Akiro-chan said...

halow morty!

so... how are you doing now??

speaking of university stuff... arggh!
it's a bit annoying that you do a lot of things! long quizzes, exams, recitations and a lot of things!
and sometimes, professors come to class so late that there would be no more time left for lectures! arggh!

and speaking of university again, i just got my grades and thank you Lord, i didn't fail any subjects except for Biology, i got the lowest grade there.. but good thing i'll be in thrid year college this school year!! :D

university friends make you bored?? well i guess that's normal.. i felt the same way too when i was in first year but as time pass by, you'll get close to them.. :D

well good luck in your studies!!!